Student Groups
Learn more about University of Alberta Engineering Student Groups and how you can get involved.
Chemical Engineering Student Society (ChESS)
The Chemical Engineering Student Society is a discipline club for all chemical engineering students at the University of Alberta.
Civil & Environmental Engineering Students' Society (CEESS)
The CEESS provides community, connections, and career opportunities for Civil & Environmental Engineering students in their academic and professional pursuits.
Computer Engineering Club (CompE)
The Computer Engineering Club is a student organization that represents the interest of Computer Engineers to other student organizations as well as the Faculty of Engineering.
Electrical Engineering (EE) Club
The Electrical Engineering Club is the ultimate destination for individuals passionate about or studying electrical engineering.
Engineering Physics Club (EngPhys)
The Engineering Physics Club has been long spoken of in legend as an organization unbounded by the laws of space and time.
First Year Engineering Club
The FYEC is a representative body for first-year engineering students and is responsible for organizing various events aimed at facilitating a seamless social transition from high school to university.
Materials Engineering Students Society (MESS)
The Materials Engineering Students Society aims to provide students with a well-rounded university experience by integrating academia, industry, student life and professional development.
Mechanical Engineering Club (MecE)
The Mechanical Engineering Club offers a variety of services for mechanical engineering students, ranging from social events, professional events, intramural teams, selling snacks, and printing services.
Mining Engineering Student Society
The Mining Engineering Student Society enhances the student experience by organizing social events, hosting platforms for academic assistance, and offering professional development programs.
Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) UAlberta Chapter
The Society of Petroleum Engineers UAlberta Chapter is the petroleum engineering discipline club at UofA!