The GEER Store
Located in ETLC next to Tim Horton’s, the GEER Store is your one-stop shop for engineering necessities such as engineering paper or calculators, merch, lab equipment rental, used textbooks, and more! Run by students, the GEER Store is also a great place to ask questions about ESS Events, Campus Life, and general engineering-related questions.
Item Catalog
Please visit us in-person to confirm item availability and pricing, as they are subject to change.
Engineering Paper
A pad of Engineering Paper containing 100 sheets per pad. Available in a variety of colors throughout the year, including special edition exclusives around holidays.
The ESS sells a variety of Engineering Merch throughout the year. Please visit us in-person for pricing and availability. Keep an eye out for limited edition merch on our Instagram.
Equipment Rental
We have an assortment of goggles, coats, and calculators available to rent in exchange for collateral (i.e. OneCard or License), which we return after you bring back your rental.
Used Textbooks
The Textbook Exchange allows students to sell and purchase textbooks from the GEER Store throughout the fall and winter semesters. Visit us to learn more.
Open Fall & Winter Semesters
Monday | Wednesday | Friday: 9AM-4PM
Tuesday | Thursday: 9:30AM-3:30PM
Saturday | Sunday: CLOSED
GEER Store Hours