Student Group Resources
Facilitating this work is the ESS’ Equity, Diversity, Inclusivity, and Decolonization (EDID) team, who works to promote the principles of EDID both within the ESS, as well as in the Faculty and University more broadly. Should you have any questions about the ESS or the information contained within this document, feel free to reach out to the Director of EDID, Abbi Oguchi, at We look forward to working with your group!

Office of the President
Aamir Mohamed (He/Him) |
The Office of the President is responsible for overseeing the ESS, but also works on some key initiatives:
Research & Advocacy
This team is responsible for leading advocacy projects with the Faculty and University. They can connect you with senior engineering leadership and support you in any advocacy efforts your group may be undertaking
They are responsible for leading Engineering Orientation every year and may be able to help promote your group or help you get a table set up for your group to meet and talk with incoming first-year students
Academics & Services
Ayan Kazi (He/Him) & Janvi Patel (She/Her) |
Academics & Services is responsible for running academic programming and services for the ESS, as well as advocating on behalf of the academic needs of engineering students. They may be able to help you with:
Health & Wellness
If your group works in the health & wellness space (mental and physical), this group can help connect you with engineering students, and could even collaborate to run events
Professional Development
This group runs events to benefit engineering students professionally and may be able to run collaboration events or connect you with PD resources
Mekha George (She/Her) & Justyn Oliver (He/Him) |
This group runs all external communications for the ESS and has a number of platforms for reaching the student body and beyond. They are a great place to go if you’re looking to advertise your group, specific events, call for volunteers, etc.
IT & Website
This group maintains the ESS website, The ESS Website is not a place for event advertising, rather it is a place for students to find information about student groups, clubs, and resources. Although the Communications Team prioritizes ESS updates, student groups can send an e-mail to requesting changes relevant to their student group for consideration.
Outreach, Publications, & Branding
These groups are responsible for the remainder of the ESS outreach platforms. They create the weekly email newsletter, EnggLink, and the upcoming Yearbook, as well as running the ESS social media platforms. They can be reached through the Outreach Form.
Diyaa Yadav (She/Her) |
The ESS’ newest portfolio, Community, is responsible for a broad group of community-focused events and services. These include:
Responsible for all of the ESS sustainability efforts, they participate in a number of collaborations and may be able to connect your group with sustainability-focused resources
This group runs a number of philanthropic events, such as the annual headshave, and may be able to work together to run fundraisers for your group or for external parties
Reach out to the Director of EDID to collaborate on advocacy, campaigns, or events related to the equity, diversity, and inclusion of marginalized groups.
Mikael Schmidtke (He/Him/Il) & Saksham Verma (He/Him) |
External manages a number of events that liaise with businesses and other external groups. This group could allow you to leverage the pre-existing connections that the ESS has.
Institutional Outreach
This group connects with engineering transfer students at partner institutions, and may be able to connect you with this group of students or these institutions
Project Group Services
Connects with all of the engineering project student groups, and would be able to connect you with them for events or collaborations
Mariam Sharaf (She/Her/Elle) |
This department manages the ESS budget and funding accounts, and is able to help with financial resources for various groups, such as the following:
Engineering Student Group Fund
ESGF supplies engineering-specific student groups with funding for their projects and operations, so if you are one of these groups you are able to apply
Engineering Public Good Fund
EPGF funds projects that benefit the engineering student body as a whole, and must be submitted by an engineering student (but it does not need to be an engineering student group). These funds are intended to support novel and innovative projects that don’t fall under typical funding models
Engineering Student Activity Fund
ESAF allows engineering students to attend conferences, seminars, and other activities. If you are interested in attending these types of events, it can help fund travel and conference fees.
For information on the funds and how to apply, visit the ESS website here or contact
Meili Joson (She/Her) & Shreya Madan (She/Her) |
The ESS Internal team is responsible for managing the ESS physical spaces and internal affairs. They can help connect you with a range of services, including:
First Year Relations
This is the group to contact if you need to reach out specifically to first-year engineering students, whether it be for events or advertisement
This group runs the GEER Store, which is the ESS storefront in the ETLC building. They can help student groups set up tables in ETLC, can sell tickets or merchandise for your group, or connect you with the Faculty’s facilities team
Social Events
Cailynne Weisgerber (She/Her) & Michael Chang (He/Him) |
Social events runs a number of events for the engineering student body, including GEER Week, the annual competition between engineering disciplines. While most of their work is internal, should you want to participate or collaborate on an event, this is the best group to reach out to.