Engineering Head Shave
The Engineering Head Shave started in 2003, when Ron Wicentowich, father of Gary and Graeme Wicentowich (EE 2006, MecE 2008 Alumni) passed away on February 11th, 2004 after a long battle with cancer. Louis Bezuidenhout, an ESS executive and friend of the Wicentowich family organized Razored for Ron, a charity head shave.
The Engineering Head Shave has become an annual event put on by the ESS and, to date, the event has raised over $287,000 for the Alberta Cancer Foundation. This is one of the biggest and most meaningful ESS events of the year. It has a direct impact on many affected by cancer in Alberta; it is both an honour and a privilege to host such a significant event.
Read the full story and donate here.
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