GEER Week is the longest-standing engineering student life tradition at the University of Alberta. Starting in 1939, GEER Week is an inclusive competition between engineering discipline clubs, other faculties, administration, and engineering alumni. Teams are put through a variety of skill testing and entertaining events throughout the week in an attempt to be crowned champion at the Engineering Ball at the end of the competition.
First Year Retreat
Introduced in 2017, the First Year Retreat is now an annual event hosted by ESS specifically for the incoming first year engineering students. During the first weekend of school, 200 first years get a chance to make friends, talk to upper-year students and have fun away from the university setting.
Engineering Carnival
Held in the second week of September, the Engineering Carnival kickstarts the year to spread the word about engineering culture, traditions, and groups to get involved with as booth are set up to answer questions. It's a great way to join some clubs and meet people.
Career Fair
The Engineering Career Fair, hosted annually by the ESS, is our largest professional networking event. Being held over three days and attended by over a hundred companies and students, the Career Fair is a chance to see which employers are looking to recruit engineers. It's a good chance to ask questions about different companies and get your name out.
Engineering Head Shave
The Engineering Hair Dye and Head Shave are charity events aimed at raising funds and awareness for the Alberta Cancer Foundation. Students are encouraged to donate money towards cancer research or collect pledges to shave their head.
UofA Engg Competition
The annually organized University of Alberta Engineering Competition (UAEC) consists of various design and presentation events to challenge students to apply their skills to solving engineering problems. UAEC serves as a qualifier for the Western Engineering Competition (WEC), and those who advance are subsidized. Winning teams from WEC can advance to the Canadian Engineering competition (CEC). All U of A engineering students are welcome to enter.
Annual General Meeting
The ESS holds two General Meetings each year, to which all are welcome. The September AGM is where the budget is set and discussed. Also a great time to find out about involvement opportunities as several positions are often still unfilled. The April AGM is where the new executive is introduced. It is an opportunity to begin setting goals for the next year.
APEGA Mixers
In collaboration with our professional association, APEGA, the ESS hosts mixers with industry professionals each year. Attending a tech mixer is a great way to network with employers and find out what it's like being an employee at a particular company or in a particular field.
Engineering Art Show
The Engineering Art Show seeks to not only provide an avenue for artistic expression among the engineering students/staff at the U of A, but also to expose the engineering faculty to different forms of art and creativity. It is our hope to foster an environment of cross-pollination of ideas and break down stereotypes of uni-dimensional engineers. The Art Show runs annually in March.