What is changing and why?

The fee is being increased from $10.00 to $20.00 per academic term (Fall and Winter semesters, not including Spring/Summer) and indexed to the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Additionally, the allocation is being changed with some new allocation items being added, the percentage amounts changing, and more. All changes are listed below with quick explanations and reasonings.

Image from 2023 Pancake breakfast taken by ESS.

Why is the fee increasing?

Great question! After all, an increase from $10.00 to $20.00 per academic term is a substantial increase and not akin to other fees you’ve experienced. Simply put, the fee has remained $10.00 for many years now and while originally substantial, has become insufficient to provide a baseline of services to engineering students, regardless of the financial well-being of the ESS more broadly. This increase reflects recommendations given by our financial team and our professional audits.

Why is it being index to CPI?

You can find more information about it here but a summary is that CPI reflects the average percentage change in common household goods; often individuals, when referring to inflation, think of CPI. Many of the current items of the fee have succumb to significant price increases.

How long will this fee last?

This fee, assuming it passes, will begin Fall 2024 and will continue until Winter 2028 as it is on a four-year term. After this, it may be renewed again by the ESS.

Detailed Changes

Item: Description:
Discipline Clubs Discipline clubs serve as the backbone of the unique engineering student culture. They provide various tailored services, events, and initiatives to their respected student body. More importantly, they represent and undertake meaningful advocacy for courses, program changes, and more.

The total percentage of the fee set towards discipline clubs will be set at 17.50% and of that, split 60-40 where 60% is split equally amongst all the discipline clubs and 40% is on a per-capita basis.
Engineering Student Groups Fund (ESGF) Engineering is home to a plethora of unique technical and non-technical student groups. Examples include ARVP, Diversity in Engineering, and more. Engineering student groups may apply and receive funding from this fund for operational expenses and more.

The total percentage of the fee set towards the ESGF will be 17.50%.
Engineering Students’ Activities Fund (ESAF) Engineering students wishing to complement their education may apply for funding to attend conferences, seminars, competitions, and other activities.

The total percentage of the fee set towards the ESAF will be 16.50%.
GEER Week As one of the longest-lasting engineering traditions, GEER Week holds an important spot in the engineering cultural heart. It sees all disciplines faceoff against one another to see who is crowned discipline of the year.

The total percentage of the fee set towards GEER Week will be 12.50%.
Conferences & Competitions The ESS sends various students and teams to various leadership, sustainability, technical and non-technical competitions, and more throughout the year. Additionally, the ESS hosts its annual University of Alberta Engineering Competition (UAEC) where all disciplines can compete to be sent to the aforementioned competitions.

The total percentage of the fee set towards conferences and competitions will be 5.00%.
Department of Social Events Engineering is a miserable time and therefore one of our priorities is to provide a silver lining of fun and enjoyable social experiences. The Department of Social Events hosts many events throughout the year allowing all engineering students to destress, enjoy their university career, and more.

The total percentage of the fee set towards the Department of Social Events will be 5.00%.
Graduation Banquets Fund One of the primary focuses of the ESS in the long-term will be the revitalization of the engineering student culture and spirit. A major example of this would be encouraging the hosting of graduation banquets for the annual graduates. This fund aims to subsidize the cost of these events on a per-capita basis.

The total percentage of the fee set towards the Graduation Banquets Fund will be 5.00%.
Discipline Club General Liability Insurance As mandated by the University, all student groups exceeding $5,000 worth of assets must have general liability insurance. Unfortunately, many of the smaller discipline clubs have had up to 65% of their annual budget go towards covering this insurance. This intends to (either partially or fully) subsidize these insurance premiums. Any excesses will be forwarded to one of the funding bodies.

The total percentage of the fee set towards the discipline club general liability insurance will be 3.75%.
Experiential Learning Initiatives Fund (ELIF) The ELIF will serve as the fourth major funding body of the ESS and enable student groups to host programs/initiatives targeted towards experiential learning. Potential example of a program that could benefit from this fund include EECERT.

The total percentage of the fee set towards the ELIF will be 2.50%.
Professional Development The ESS hosts various workshops targeted towards the professional development of students and attendees. These funds assist subsidize and minimize expenses for attendees and users of these services.

The total percentage of the fee set towards professional development will be 2.50%.
First Year Initiatives First-year students experience unique obstacles, challenges, and often initiatives targeted towards upper-year students do not suffice. These funds will both assist in funding the First Year Engineering Club (FYEC) and any internal or external initiatives targeted explicitly to first-year students. The total percentage of the fee set towards first-year initiatives will be 2.50%.
Health & Wellness Various services are offered by the ESS to help destress, take a moment away from the engineering courseload, and relax. Many of these services complement some of the services offered by the University and Faculty of Engineering.

This is the only fund seeing a percentage decrease from the current allocation model primarily due to the inability to offer substantial services without drastically increasing the percentage. Additionally, the Faculty of Engineering has made a pledge to offer more wellness-based services in the medium- and long-term.

The total percentage of the fee set towards health and wellness will be 2.00%.
Engineering Carnival The annual Engineering Carnival allows all students to be introduced, join, and experience the plethora of student groups and other opportunities the engineering campus has to offer.

The total percentage of the fee set towards the Engineering Carnival will be 1.50%.
Art Show Against the stereotypes, many engineering students are incredibly talented artists across a range of mediums. The annual Engineering Art Show is their canvas to express and show-off their talents in addition to all other engineering students enjoying various art-focused events.

The total percentage of the fee set towards the Engineering Art Show will be 1.25%.
Y2Q2 Initiatives Students enrolled in the Y2Q2 program are often forgotten, poorly represented, and looked down on. The ESS is focused on providing opportunities, events, and more to help create a community and to challenge the misconceptions regarding the program.

The total percentage of the fee set towards Y2Q2 initiatives will be 1.25%.

Image from 2023 UAEC taken by ESS.