Pranati Reddy

Vice-President Academics Candidate

What sort of events or resources would you like to provide to students in terms of academics?

Extra practice problems, recommended questions (like how homework used to be in high school, textbook stuff but maybe filtered a little more if possible), maybe some chances for people who aren't in study groups to join, so "open" study sessions so people can make groups? Sessions with people taking turns "teaching" would also be good so those who had trouble with some topic can learn and those explaining can test their knowledge.

How do you plan to represent the views of all first year students when interacting with academic committees or the faculty?

I'm willing to talk to a lot of my classmates and make myself accessible so that people can ask me questions and give ideas so that I can pass it up the chain. By going to more of the first year engineering events, I would be more likely to interact with different people to make sure I'm not focused on only a specific group of people. If I go to seminars and the help sessions more often, I would also see what people have the most trouble with and could share that information.